Forgot All About It

Ye Mo felt he had bad intentions, so he stared at him.

Liu Duo looked at the accounts she had recorded. Although she did purposefully make her handwriting a bit uglier, it was at least much better than when she had first started.

She placed the ink brush on the ink stone and looked at Ye Xuan. "Hey, you still haven't left. Are you planning on eating here?"

The time flew by very quickly while they worked, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. They would have to start cooking dinner in another two hours.

"If sister-in-law doesn't mind getting an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks, then I, as a younger relative, would of course stay and have a meal." Ye Xuan smiled happily. He was in an extremely good mood, because Liu Duo had taken the initiative to speak to him.

Liu Duo rolled her eyes at him in response. Did he really think he looked gorgeous when he smiled? What a fool!