The Whole House Wasn't Pleased

Ye Liu's attitude at that moment wasn't as bad as Ye Mo's. He went up to Liu Quanfu and said, "Sir, I don't know what happened between you guys, but you should look for them in town, because that's where I met them today."

When he heard that, Liu Quanfu got emotional and grabbed him by the sleeves, "Really? You really saw them there?"

"Yes," Ye Liu nodded.

Having received that confirmation, Liu Quanfu turned and left the yard.

"Sister Liu Duo, why didn't your mother go home with your brother? And why did your father come here looking for them?" Li Wazi asked as he ate.

Didn't they say they were no longer related? So why would they come here? In town, Ye Liu had given her some money to go home.

Ye Liu casually replied, "How would I know?"

She was not a goddess, so how would she know what had happened that prompted them to leave home?