Can You Change That Loud Voice Of Yours

She couldn't budge while she was in his arms. Liu Duo glance at him, "Mr. Liuzi, are you still not done? Let go of me and get out."

Ye Liu didn't find her gaze to be scary at all. He said with a smile, "Not done. I don't want it to be done!"

"Dirty, shameless bastard. Let go of me!" Liu Duo lifted up her fist and punched his chest.

She had already satisfied him last night. What more did he want? How annoying.

However, she had forgotten that, for men, they would always enjoy such things and would never tire of them - especially a man who had just gotten his first taste!

Downstairs, Ye Mo looked towards the fourth floor. "It is already so late. Are they still not going to wake up? Even Liu is dawdling in bed. How strange!"

The three of them had woken up very early. Ye Yang had already cleaned the yard, and Ye Ling and Ye Mo had already finished preparing breakfast.