Little Brat, You're Finally Awake

The suffering Ye Mo didn't know when he fell asleep, and he slept very badly as well.

At around five-thirty in the morning, when the sun had just started to raise, Ye Mo felt his entire body being tightly bound.

Since the sky hadn't turned completely bright, the light coming in from the window was dim. Ye Mo, who was not fully conscious, opened his eyes and saw a blurry image of Liu Duo hugging him like an octopus. Her hands and feet were all around his body.

Ye Mo softly pulled her white, delicate arms and long legs off his body.

He slowly regained consciousness and moved closer to Liu Duo's egg-shaped face. He kissed her forehead and said softly, "I didn't hug you, but you actually hugged me tightly on your own. Why don't you quickly admit you like me! Forked tongue brat. What should I do with you?"