When Men And Women Work Together, They Won't Get Tired

Liu Duo grabbed her chin with her hands when she heard him and looked at the arrogant looking Ye Mo. However, she didn't speak.

Getting stared at by her made Ye Mo feel a bit embarrassed.

Through the years, Liu Duo was the only woman he had seen who would dare to stare so obviously at a man in broad daylight while surrounded by so many people!

"What are you looking at? I asked you a question." Ye Mo looked away and stopped looking at her.

Liu Duo saw his ears had turned red and laughed lightly. She mimicked his tone of voice and said, "None of your business! Do I have to answer, just because you asked me? So what if I don't want to tell you?"

Ye Mo's anger started to rise when he heard her, but he still tried to hold it in.

He couldn't afford to offend this little brat. She was the highest up in the household hierarchy, while he was at the bottom! Sometimes he felt like he was around the level of Hei Xiaomeng. He was really too much of a failure.