A Surprise For You

Liu Duo grinned when he said that. Of course they'd go on vacation as a family!

After taking a short break with Liu Duo, Ye Yang picked up his hoe and went back to work, digging and weeding. Liu Duo sat in the same spot, observing his repetitive actions. He made such a simple, common job worthy of attention.

It was almost time for lunch. Ye Yang and the two workers put their work on hold and left the farm.

Liu Duo stood on tiptoe and helped him wipe his sweat with her sleeves. At that moment, bliss sparkled in his eyes.

"Let's go home. Ling must have finished preparing lunch."

Having cleaned the sweat off him, Liu Duo smiled as they walked together.

The two workers followed them. One whispered to the other, "Boss Yang seems to have a good relationship with his family's shared wife, and she seems to be a nice woman."

"You're right."

Back home, they were still preparing the dishes, so Liu Duo brought Little Lian upstairs to her room.