Wait For A Moment

It was getting close to noon, so Liu Duo and Ye Ling got up and prepared to leave. "You guys can continue to discuss it. If you are selling, then come to our house tomorrow. If not, then don't come! Since you want five hundred taels, and I think that's a bit too low, I'll give you eight hundred taels instead!"

Actually, when she said she would buy Liu Ran for a hundred taels, she was just throwing it out casually to see if Grandma Liu had any sort of conscience left that would stop her from selling her own grandson. After all, how could a person's worth be measured by money? She never would've thought that Grandma Liu really didn't have any conscience at all.

When Grandma Liu heard her raise the price, she excitedly confirmed it. "Of course, I will sell him. You don't need to wait until tomorrow, you can take him right away! Just go back and get the money."