
Liu Liushi felt crushed by her son's indifference towards them. Tears kept flowing.

Liu Quanfu held her hand, and together they left Liu Ran's room in sorrow.

Liu Qing returned from hanging around town. Liu Quanyan pulled him into his room. The father and son had a talk.

Liu Qing's eyes sparkled as though they had just found a gold mine.

"Son, this house and everything in it will eventually be yours, along with the eight hundred taels of silver Grandmother would definitely keep for you," Liu Quanyan was overjoyed as he spoke of the news. With that money they wouldn't have to work on the farm ever again.

Liu Qing nodded non-stop. He too was ecstatic to hear that.

With that money he could pay off his gambling debts, and he could get a wife!

The Liu family was always shrouded in one of these two kinds of ambience: either they wished time would fast forward to the future, or they wished time would stand still and that tomorrow would never come.