You Look Anxious. Yang Will Teach You…

It was uncomfortable having something so hot pressed against her buttocks. Liu Duo fidgeted around and wanted to move away slightly. However, it made both her and Ye Yang let out a sound. "Mmmm…"

And so, Ye Yang did not allow her to leave. He let go of her breast and used both his hands to hold up her small waist. He placed her right on his eagle and it rubbed against her.

How could Liu Duo hold it in when she was being teased by him like this?

A body filled with male hormones was so close to her. Her body burned up and made her really wanted to get filled up.

Moreover, Liu Duo realized her body was extremely sensitive. It would get weak whenever they just slightly teased her.

Ye Yang could feel that their wife also really wanted it. For some unknown reason, he suddenly stopped. He just kept on embracing her and didn't move at all, like a statue.

Liu Duo's eyes were filled with lust. She looked at him, feeling confused and upset as to why he wasn't moving. "Yang…?"