Roll Up Your Pants

She knew Ye Yang wouldn't force himself on her, and that's why she could tease him however she pleased.

He could tell Liu Duo's snoring was on purpose, but he adored her too much, so he merely shook his head and let her continue!

Their little wife could be a little naughty sometimes.

Eventually, Liu Duo, who planned on punishing him, really did fall asleep.

The snores got quieter and quieter until there were none. Only then he gently lifted her off him.

He reached a hand out and pinched her soft cheeks, "Naughty little lady."

He tucked her in, so that she wouldn't catch a cold, and then he got out of bed.

She was also the one who had designed the thin blanket especially for Ye Ling.

He felt around in the dark until he made his way to the oil lamp, and beside it was a match. With it, he lit the oil lamp and put on his clothes. He looked back at Liu Duo, who was sleeping on the bed, before taking the oil lamp with him as he walked out the door and descended downstairs.