In Any Case, My Sister Is Gentle

Liu Ran thought about it and then said earnestly, "I like the current sis more!"

Ye Liu smiled and asked, "Why?"

They didn't know what Liu Duo had been like in the past, but in their eyes, not only was she fair and pretty, but she was also confident, smart, strong, decisive, independent-minded, and she was even bold!

"Because I feel like sis was always too gentle in the past. The sis now will become fierce when she needs to be, but she is still very gentle. That's why I like the current sis!"

He felt that the current Liu Duo would not let others order her around and get bullied, but she also didn't lack gentleness. That was why he liked the current Liu Duo.

After all, being too gentle would make one a pushover. Everyone would be able to bully them, and they wouldn't dare to make a sound!

Liu Duo smiled and touched his head. She knew the reason why Liu Ran said this.

After all, from her memory, in their family of four, Liu Ran was the only one who wasn't a punching bag.