Why So Shrewish?

Ye Ling nodded to show he understood.

Other than the unfriendly familial relationship between them, and despite having not passed the government exams for so long, Ye Ling couldn't deny the level of education that Ye Xuan had attained.

"I suppose Ran Er will be in your good hands now. Do sit down. I have other business to attend to," Ye Ling said and went to the well, leaving Ye Xuan with a satisfied grin on his face.

By the time Liu Duo arrived at the well, after changing her cloth strip in the outhouse, Ye Ling had fetched some water for her and returned to the kitchen.

It was always heartwarming to find a bucket of water already prepared for her.

She washed her piece of cloth and left it out to dry, only to turn around and spot Ye Xuan looking at her, grinning.

Liu Duo, feeling nothing in particular, went over to him, "I realize you are more thick-skinned than I imagined! Leave here at once, you are not welcome."