Yes, Understood

She recalled the time when Ye Yang was teasing her, filled with desire and seriousness, even with a lack of expression plastered on his face. Liu Duo could feel her heart beating quickly again.

At the sight of her reddening cheeks and sweat sliding down her forehead, Ye Mo whipped out a book he had bought for Liu Ran and used it to fan her.

She had left her folding fan at home.

She turned to look at Ye Mo when she felt a little gust of wind and thought, This fellow may be troublesome sometimes, but his heart is in the right place.

She had just given him a high remark when he said, "My wife, it's broad daylight and we're in public, so can you not stare at me shamelessly like that right now? When we get home, you can look all you want."

Her mouth twitched at his comment. This man couldn't be praised!

She rolled her eyes and ignored him. Otherwise, she would lose her mind!

Ye Mo noticed Liu Duo suddenly giving him attitude, and wondered why this woman was so incomprehensible!