Bouncy Too

It seemed the two of them had only drank one jug of wine, but because the drink had been aged long enough, its aftertaste must not to be underestimated.

Liu Duo stared at the man beside her, whose face and eyes had become dreamy after tasting some wine. Gosh, Ye Liu may be an abominable rival, but look at him now! He's actually quite submissive!

They got downstairs, and Liu Duo was about to open up her umbrella, when Ye Liu took her by the hand, "Little Duo, let me hold it for you."

The aftertaste had taken its toll, but he was apparently still sober.

With the umbrella opened, they were about to leave, when Qin Fang suddenly emerged, "Sister Duo, wait. The boss has arranged a horse and carriage to get you home."

Liu Duo gladly nodded, "Oh, he must have gone to great trouble to do that. Do thank him for me."

It was already about two o'clock in the afternoon, so Wang Tuozi had long returned to the village with his ox-cart.

"Don't mention it," Qin Fang said with a broad grin.