Why Was It Different From What He Had Expected

Upon hearing her, Liu Quanyan frowned so heavily he could have killed a mosquito. How could Liu Qing do something like this?

What he did was illegal!

"That piece of shit. How could he do something like this? Just wait till I beat his ass, that stupid little punk." Liu Quanyan rushed into the house, fuming.

Grandma Liu immediately followed. "Son, don't hit him. Those bastards already beat him up very badly…

Liu Quanyan rushed into the yard and saw Li Qing already had a bloody nose and a swollen face. Although Liu Quanyan felt a pain in his heart, he still went and grabbed the broom and hit him a few times with it.

"You piece of shit. You actually dared to kidnap someone? You are really getting worse and worse…"

Liu Qing didn't think it would end up this way. Why was it different from what he had expected?