That Is True Of Course

Ye Liu also walked over beside the well eagerly and said mischievously, "Yang, is Little Duo still sleeping?" He even looked to the sky as he spoke. "The weather today seems quite nice. Perfect for sleeping in."

Ye Yang lifted his head to look at him, not showing any particular expression. "Liu, are you very free?"

"No, aren't I cleaning the yard?" Ye Liu smiled in a way that made him look punchable.

As he spoke, he even used the broom in his hand to sweep the places he had already swept.

Ye Yang saw that Liu was behaving mischievously and stopped looking at him. He ignored him and just washed himself without replying to him anymore!

Ye Liu felt that his big brother was wooden and uninteresting, so he walked over like a hooligan to the places that hadn't been swept and swept away all the bamboo leaves that were on the ground.

When breakfast was about ready, Ye Yang went upstairs to see if Liu Duo had woken up yet.