What Else Should I Do? Cry?

Then, they heard Liu Duo say, "Oh, Liuzi, you're back. Just in time. Mr Dongfang has something to discuss with you."

Dongfang Ming merely smiled at Liu Duo when she said so.

Because of that, Ye Mo loathed him even more. She was his wife; what was this man staring at!?

"And what does Brother Dongfang have to discuss with me? Hold on though, wait a moment." Ye Liu smiled obligingly at him while he unloaded the tomatoes.

Dongfang Ming nodded. "Just a small matter. You can finish your work first, there's no rush."

Then he went back and sat down in his original spot.

Liu Duo came to the table and poured three bowls of water. "There's fruit here, do help yourself."

She even smiled at Dongfang Ming.

Ye Mo, who noticed her little action, became very cross and shouted, "Wife, pour us some water! Didn't you see we just came back? We're thirsty, are you blind?"

"What are you shouting for? Can't you see that's what I'm doing? My lord!" She looked up at him and rolled her eyes.