Write A Simple 'One'

Both Liu and Mo were in their twenties, and yet they could be so immature despite their age? Perhaps only Ye Yang and Ye Ling were the normal ones.

When he heard that, Ye Liu smirked some more. "I certainly did, but look, I'm waiting for the food to digest now."

People who are thick-skinned can take on whatever you throw at them. They don't have an ounce of shame!

She didn't want to partake in this banter, since she knew she would end up losing anyway.

She walked to the well with the clothes she had previously taken off and dumped them in an empty bucket. Later she would wash them along with the other men's clothes.

Ye Liu did not follow her, but instead his eyes traced along Liu Duo's fair legs as he continued smirking. He wondered how her skin could be so fair.

Then he entered the bathroom and disposed of the bathwater in the bathtub.