Hung On Like A Koala

Ye Ling felt embarrassed and his face was a bit red. He didn't dare to look at her eyes and instead stared intensely at her long hair all the while shaking and combing it…

His mind was currently blank and he felt so embarrassed he didn't know what to say.

And Liu Duo, who didn't even need to lift her head to see Ye Ling, pursed her lips and smiled. Did she really guess correctly?

That bastard Little Brother Mo, always trying to corrupt the naive and pure Ye Ling!

Liu Duo didn't say anything else and this made Ye Ling more embarrassed to say anything. The room immediately turned quiet, the only sound the burning of the oil lamp.

Ye Ling only put down the wooden comb and opened his mouth to speak when Liu Duo's hair was completely dry. "It's done. Your hair is already dry. Go lie down properly, you can sleep now."

As he spoke, he got up to put the wooden comb on the vanity table. He then turned back to blow out the oil lamp, take off his clothes, and get in the bed.