Not Feeling Hot At All

When Liu Duo invited him to a nap, Ye Ling was quickly reminded of what they had done in bed yesterday, and a blush began to appear on his face.

As a man who had just experienced intimacy, he was naturally sensitive to anything that had to do with sleep.

Liu Duo took his hand and guided him to the bed. She sat down, and patted the empty space next to her with her other hand. "The bed's quite soft, Ling. Sleep for a while."

With that, she took off her shoes and dress.

Ye Ling sat by the bed, unmoving and unsure of what to say.

Having taken off her dress, Liu Duo was only wearing a dudou and short underwear. She lay down on the bed but, seeing that Ye Ling hadn't responded, sat up again and closed in on him.

"Ling, what are you thinking about?" She faced him. He looked like he was recalling something, so she asked out of curiosity.

He came to when he smelled her scent. Then he gave her a sideways glance and said, "No, nothing. Get some shut-eye, Duo Er."