These Two Were Two Peas In a Pod!

"Little Duo, you hurt me so. I feel so useless. I can't do anything right. I'm a burden to the family. Could it be you want to 'dismiss' me?" he said dramatically.


Liu Duo could feel her hair standing on end just listening to him. What sort of freaky skill was this? 'Dismiss?' As if that was going to happen!

She slapped the hands linking her arm and rolled her eyes at him. "No means no!"

It would be terrible if she really agreed to take a bath with him. Ye Mo would definitely want his turn.

These two were like two peas in a pod!

Liu Ran finished his bath and called out to Liu Duo when he got out of the bathroom, "Sis, I'm done."

He walked towards them holding an oil lamp.

Liu Ran's cheeks had regained their rosiness after a good bath. Liu Duo could not resist giving them a light pinch. "Alright, you get upstairs now. Don't catch a cold in this weather."

It was windy with a significant drop in temperature.