I'll Bathe Later

Mo had already helped her get hot water just now. Why hadn't she bathed yet?

Liu Duo, who was sitting on the stool, looked at him and smiled. "I suddenly felt a little bloated from eating too much. I wanted to give myself more time digest so I asked Mo to go bathe first."

"Oh. In that case, Duo Er, you should go take a walk underneath the roof. The food will digest very slowly if you are sitting down," Ye Ling said seriously and naively, feeling concerned.

Pfff. Liu Duo laughed happily.

Ye Ling would believe her no matter what she said. It was really just too cute.

Getting the complete trust of her lover felt extremely nice!

Liu Duo picked up the garlic beside her and said with a smile, "It's all the same if I accompany Ling with peeling the garlic and watching the flames."

They needed to peel a lot of garlic every day. Even when they were resting, Ye Ling would peel some in advance. Leaving peeled garlic overnight wasn't a problem.