They Could Not Possibly Win

Ye Mo, the ill-tempered man that he was, was quick to respond when Ye Liu agreed to widen Liu Duo's bed. "We'll just make it happen first. Then when it's time to vote, it'll be two against one. The wife will have no choice but to go along with it."

Smirking, Ye Mo felt no pressure about the matter. Now they just had to fix the bed.

Ye Liu chuckled again. Would their Little Duo be stupid enough to let this matter be decided by voting?

How could Mo be so naive?

"Let's talk about this later. We have a meal to prepare." Ye Liu dropped the conversation to continue cooking.

"Gosh, we should find time soon to widen her bed, and sort out our sleeping arrangements some other time." Ye Mo was quite impatient. They had to deal with the bed first. If not, everything else would be nothing but empty talk.