When Did He Learn To Say Something Like That?

"That's nice to know. Now you can feel free to stay longer." Ye Liu smiled back.

By the time they had taken all the tomatoes indoors, Ye Yang and Old Liu came back with their farming tools.

Ye Yang spotted Dongfang Ming in the house and greeted him with his eyes, then both he and Old Liu went to wash up by the well.

After a morning's work, they were sweaty, sticky, and overall uncomfortable.

"Yang, come get a drink." Liu Duo went up to them with some water. She also brought bowls for both of them.

After getting to know them for some time, it was apparent that they were an easy-going family. Old Liu's constraints had soon vanished. He casually accepted the water and drank it in one go.

Ye Yang felt better after a face wash. Liu Duo passed a bowl of water to him, but he did not drink it immediately. With a glimmer in his eyes, he said to her, "Good."

He drank it all then said again, "Tasty."