Take A Look?

Dongfang Ming took a bit of the fruit and replied with a slight smile, "It is indeed quite sweet."

Ye Ling also took a plate of it over to the kitchen for Aunt Li and the others.

"Brother Ye, I heard there is a big field of lotus roots in one of the villages in the neighboring town. It is summer right now so there will definitely be a lot of lotus flowers we can see. Why don't we go together and enjoy the scenery?" Dongfang Ming invited them.

Ye Liu would, of course, know of Lotus Village in the neighboring town. All kinds of lotus flowers would bloom in this village every summer. This was how the village got its name.

But they weren't educated scholars...how would they know how to appreciate the beauty of the flowers?

However, when Ye Liu thought about how Dongfang Ming came from afar, and how they were not only business partners, but also friends, he nodded.