She Took Two Steps Back Again As She Spoke

When the ice block with the paralyzed face who usually didn't smile or speak said this so sincerely, Liu Duo didn't know what to do. She felt touched and a little bit embarrassed.

Did Ye Yang just praise her? Or was this fella teasing her?

When Ye Ling heard what his oldest brother said, he echoed his thoughts by saying, "That's right. Duo Er, in our hearts, you are not a shared wife, but a wife!"

"Yeah. Sister-in-law, if Yang and the others considered you a shared wife, they wouldn't treat you with so much love." Li Wazi joined in and agreed with them.

He knew the shared wives of other families had to work tirelessly by doing household chores and taking care of the kids. How could they possibly live so well like Liu Duo?