I Already Know. They Can Just Go By Themselves

Wang Xiangyun lifted her hand patted the back of Little Tian's hand that was on her arm. "I know what you mean. If I do this again, even if I fail and my reputation gets ruined, I will not regret it!"

As she spoke, she looked at the clinic again. "If I succeed, I will be able to stand legitimately by him and live in his house. This is the only wish I've ever had, ever since I first knew how to think!"

She then lifted her legs and walked into the clinic.

Little Tian had no choice but to follow her. She sighed in her heart and felt it was just not worth it!

Wang Xiangyun was clearly a beautiful and outstanding woman but she just couldn't get the person in her heart to love her back.

When Ye Liu brought Liu Ran back home, Liu Duo had already finished bathing and gone to her room upstairs.

"Brother Yang, Brother Ling, we are home." Liu Ran smiled and greeted them.

"Ran Er, did you have a good time at Yuan Fang's house today?" Ye Ling saw he had come back and smiled at him.