She Truly Had No Sense Of Shame!

She no longer wanted to talk to him and tried again to force him to give way by moving closer to him.

When Ming Yan saw this, how could he possibly not know what her intention was?

He quickly put his arm in front of her to block her from getting closer. He said to her, not changing his expression, "Miss Wang, I hope you can think before you decide to do something. Some things are allowed but some are not!"

As an unmarried young woman, she had actually dared to use her body to touch him in broad daylight to make him give way?

She truly had no sense of shame!

Wang Xiangyun looked and there was only a tiny distance between her own breast and his arm. She lifted her head and looked at Ming Yan. He looked not the least bit different but his ears were slightly red.

"Ming Yan, are you still not going to give way? Is it that you want to take advantage of our lady?!" Little Tian saw this and was afraid Wang Xiangyun would be taken advantage of so she moved up and pushed Ming Yan.