
Dongfang Ming was very careful and attentive as he sketched 'Liu Duo' with his brush. He smiled at Ling. "With enough practice, everything comes naturally. You're getting better at writing these days, right, Ling?"

"Yes, it's like you said, Brother Ming."

Ye Ling chuckled too. He could not deny what Dongfang Ming had said, because it was true that his writing had improved.

Time passed quickly, and at last, Liu Duo was completely 'cloned' on paper.

Dongfang Ming smiled at the woman. "Little Duo, the drawing's done. Come take a look, see if you like it."

Liu Duo quickly skipped over to him. She was both curious and excited to find out how she looked inked on paper.

Seeing how excited she was, the smiles on the two men's faces refused to fade.

Wang Xiangyun noticed that and did not like it one bit. She despised the way Liu Duo acted, like someone who had never seen the world. It was only a simple portrait, why did she have to rush?