They Went Out Together, Yet She Came Back Alone?

Walking on the street, Liu Duo did not take to heart what the other women had previously discussed. Naturally, she would never allow her husbands to get another wife, but if they suggested this to her, she would not stop them.

Instead, she would provide them sufficient funds to have a grand wedding, and bring home a beautiful bride.

She had almost reached the family farm when, from a distance, she saw strong, muscular Ye Yang with a hoe in hand, busy digging at the soil.

She carried a smile and walked nearer before calling out to him, "Yang."

Ye Yang looked over to her.

He never expected Liu Duo would appear just as he was thinking about her.

He was quite surprised, but remained stoic and icy cold as he said, "What brings you back?"

They should be flower viewing now, and they said they would return in the afternoon. Why had they returned so much earlier?

It was one hour to lunchtime.

Liu Duo waved at him, calling him to come take a rest.