Roll, My Ass!

She didn't even have to guess to know that only they were capable of doing this. That's why Liu Duo asked them angrily straight away.

When she thought about what Ye Mo had said about having a threesome, she became both embarrassed and angry. How could he be so shameless? She was really going to die from anger!

"Isn't it good to widen it? Look, beloved, you can now roll around all you want without having to worry about falling off." Ye Mo went over to the bed straight away, took off his shoes, lay down on the bed with his arms and legs spread out, and rolled around a couple of times.

This was also the first time he saw the width of the bed. He was extremely satisfied with it. It wouldn't be a problem even if four people slept on it.

He muttered in his heart, Liu you are too awesome. I am very satisfied with how much wider the bed is!

In response, Liu Duo got so mad that the corner of her mouth twitched. Roll, my ass!