Laugh Foolishly?

Not long after Ye Liu arrived downstairs, Ye Mo also followed and got down as well.

Ye Liu saw this and showed a face that said, I knew you wouldn't go up and take a peek. He laughed at him, "Why did you come down? Didn't you say you wanted to go up and squat by the door to peek and eavesdrop?"

"There is nothing to see and nothing to listen to. I will make beloved make those moving noises another day." Ye Mo showed an extremely cool look on his face when he walked past Ye Liu.

There was no way he would say his biggest fear was actually getting discovered by Yang!


When Ye Liu heard what he said, he didn't hold back, and laughed out loud. However, he didn't expose his third brother's lame excuses.

"Mo, what did you say to Liu just now? You made him laugh so merrily." Ye Ling looked at Ye Mo, who was walking towards him.

While he was passing by, he passed him the willow branch so he could rinse his mouth.