Better Not Mess With Me!

Ye Mo's jaw twitched. Their wife loved to burst his bubble whenever she had the chance! However, he was not angry about it.

Ye Yang fetched some hot water and, seeing no one responding to his calls, carried the buckets outside, where he heard laughter. He shouted for Liu Ran, knowing his little brother-in-law would be the first to take a bath.

Needless to say, the boy knew Ye Yang must be wondering why he had not brought his change of clothes to the bathroom.

Liu Ran responded to Ye Yang's unique voice. "Alright, I'm on it."

He ran upstairs to get his clothes.

"Go slowly, Liu Ran. Don't trip," Liu Duo called out to him, concerned.

Without delay, Ye Yang proceeded to take the hot water into the bathroom.

Just then, Ye Mo stood up, pulled Liu Duo into his embrace, and placed a gentle slap on her buttocks. "Dear, are you calling me a cricket? Just wait and see what punishment I have in store for you in the bedroom!"