Yes, Yes I Missed You Very Much! Is That Enough?!

Ye Mo, who was beside them, looked at his second brother's gentle movements and voice. He puckered his lips and muttered in his heart, All you know how to do all day is to pretend to be gentle and coax beloved!

Ye Liu could feel Ye Mo was talking about him in his heart. When Liu Duo looked away and stopped looking at him face to face again due to her shyness, Ye Liu took the opportunity to look at Ye Mo and raise his eyebrows at him.

It was as if his eyes were telling him, Mo, you should learn from your brother. If you treat beloved gently and cherish her, she won't feel any unwillingness in her heart. Instead, she will willingly agree and cooperate with you.

Ye Mo understood the meaning behind Ye Liu's gaze and he lifted his hand to touch his nose. It felt like he had already changed a lot. How much more gentle did he have to be?

Ye Liu looked at his response and stopped communicating with him through his eyes. He turned his sights back to Liu Du's body.