Look On In Silence

"Oh." Liu Ran nodded obediently and did not probe any further.

He also believed he must have misheard it.

After a quick wash, Ye Mo went to help Ye Ling prepare food in the kitchen, while Ye Liu peeled garlic with Liu Ran.

Liu Duo did not come down for breakfast. The others were already used to it, including Liu Ran who did not question why.

He knew his sister had developed the habit of sleeping in some time ago, and her husbands paid no mind to it, so naturally he did not find it odd either.

"Brother Liu, can I come with you to purchase tomatoes later?" he suddenly asked.

Even though he intended to take the government exam in the future, he thought it would be a good idea to learn a thing or two about business from his brothers-in-law.

However, Ye Mo disagreed. "Why? You should stay home with your books!"

As far as he was concerned, if the boy had the chance to go to school, he should not be wasting time and energy on other activities.