Live Her Perfect Life

Ye Liu let out a chuckle. Even Ye Yang smiled. Ye Mo tried to hold in his fury.

He thought, geez, I should have known Yang and Ling would gang up on me! So what? I can't do anything in the day but when night comes, just you wait!

Liu Duo yawned and stretched when they had left the negative incident behind. "Alright, I'm taking a nap. You guys can leave now."

Seeing his wife's cute expression and her coy stance, Ye Mo could resist his anger because there was nothing he could do to her. He felt bummed about it.

"Rest, then. I'm going down. I don't need you to send me off!" he said and went to open the door.

Liu Duo watched him go as she hummed silently, I don't plan to, narcissist!

Ye Yang was filled with adoration for her when he noticed her silent protest.

Ye Liu mischievously pinched her cheeks and smiled. "Well-played! You certainly ruffled Mo's feathers, and he had no way to vent his anger. How pitiful it was to have to hold it in."