The Best Punishment Was For Them To Want To Die But Be Unable!

Some families were joyous while some were in misery.

While Ye Yang and their family were chatting happily, the people in the Ye family courtyard had faces filled with misery as they worried about Ye Xuan's safety. And in the tailor shop in town, Wang Xiangyun and the others were completely out of it. They didn't even have the desire to live.

A couple of days passed in a flash and Liu Ran passed the evaluation without a hitch. He began the journey of learning at the school in town.

"My lady, I made the glutinous rice congee you like this morning." Little Tian brought the breakfast she'd made especially for Wang Xiangyun and went into the room.

Wang Xiangyun grew thinner and thinner every passing day. She sat there by the window with her soulless eyes, not replying. It was as if every sound and every occurrence was unrelated to her…

Little Tian saw that she kept acting this way and frowned, not knowing what to do.