It Would Still Get Soaked If It Were A Heavy Downpour.

Although he still wasn't sure Liu Duo was pregnant, he didn't want to say it out loud right now. If he wanted to say it, he would only say it to his brothers.

Although he didn't treat Aunt Li as an outsider, he still wanted this to be confirmed before letting her know.

"Yeah, our life right now is indeed very likable." Aunt Li nodded and shared the same thoughts.

Now that their family's condition had changed, not only did they not have any financial worry, their family was also stronger and would no longer be looked down on.

In the future, her grandson would also be able to study at school. She didn't desire for him to get any scholarly honors, but at least they would no longer repeat their previous lives of being part of the lowest rung of society.

After the two chatted for a while, they each got busy with their own work.

Ye Yang didn't go to work in the fields because of the rain and instead helped in the kitchen. Ye Liu and the others wore conical hats and went out.