If They Had A Major Injury Or A Serious Illness, Would They Have To Go To Town?

Ye Mo listened to Aunt Li and Doctor Li prattle away and throughout the whole time, he didn't get angry or chase them out.

It was only when they finished speaking that he said, "Okay, I've taken to heart everything that you guys said. It is almost noon, Doctor Li, you should have a meal before you go!"

"It's fine, I have two grandsons and one granddaughter waiting for me to get back." Doctor Li waved his hand and rejected his hospitality.

Aunt Li also wanted to have him stay for a meal but since Doctor Li insisted on having his meal back home, she didn't say anything else.

"In that case, Little Mo, you accompany Doctor Li back home. Look at how much heavier the rain has become."


Ye Mo went to put on his conical hat and then hung the medical box on his body.

"Come on Doctor Li, I will carry you back. The road is very slippery."

They wouldn't need to be so cautious if they only needed to rush back home in light rain.