He Was So Anxious That He Was Almost About To Cry.

"I know, I will definitely not let you down!" Ye Mo nodded, appearing to be serious and earnest.

After Ye Ling put the plate of fruit on the table in the room, he went downstairs with Liu Duo and Ye Mo.

When Ye Liu saw Liu Duo, he was like a bee that saw a flower and quickly went over to her.

"Little Duo, Aunt Ye asked me to bring back a lot of delicious food for you. She will come to visit you another day when the sky is clear."

Liu Duo looked over and saw there were eggs, dates, and oranges. However, most of them were sweet snacks.

"How can I have her come over to visit? I will go visit her another day," Liu Duo said with a smile.

Aunt Ye was not young. Even if the sky cleared, the road would not immediately dry up and she was still quite worried about that.

What if she fell down accidentally?

Ye Ling said in agreement, "I will accompany Duo Er there another day."