Come With Me!

Locked out of the room, Wang Xixuan was obviously frustrated, but he went on to reason with his sister. He said to her, gently, "Yun Er, not everything can be done. You should know this. Why do you insist on that which cannot be forced? There are plenty of fish in the sea, why do you have to stick with this one?"

"I want him and only him, the rest are useless to me! Enough talk, I don't want to listen to the likes of you!" said the bullheaded girl.

"Yun Er..." He wanted to continue, but was rudely interrupted by his sister's shouting.

"I don't want to listen to you! I'm not listening! Not listening! Not listening!"

"Alright, alright. I won't talk about it. Don't get so worked up," Wang Xixuan reluctantly compromised. "Just calm down now."

He worried that Wang Xiangyun would do something regrettable in her emotional state. Mingyun Building was about six stories high, after all.

It was then that Little Tian arrived with a bowl of glutinous porridge.