He Showed A Look As If He Was Going To Continue To Be Mischievous.

Liu Duo stretched out her hands to take the fur clothes and pants he'd taken off. She wanted to put them on before relieving him. After all, it was embarrassing to sit on the bed while naked.

She was not used to it!

Upon seeing this, Ye Liu quickly dredged up Liu Duo's clothes along with his pants and threw them onto the chair on the side.

"Little Duo, I didn't put on my clothes to cover my embarrassment. If it is to be fair, you should do the same."

Liu Duo couldn't help but give him a punch when she heard him saying such shameless words. "You really have thick skin on that face of yours!"

If it was during the day, he would definitely be able to see clearly how red Liu Duo's face had become. Even her ears turned red.

Although the two of them had gotten very intimate and slept together countless times, after they finished and washed up, they would still put on their clothes when they slept.