He Changed His Face Faster Than Turning A Page In A Book!

"Is that so?"

"Yes, yes, yes. That is definitely so! It is necessarily so!"


Ye Mo immediately laughed out loud and his right cheek obviously appeared.

"Beloved, I never knew you were capable of kissing up? However, you are only allowed to kiss up towards the four of us brothers, understand!"

He was in an extremely good mood and he was smiling like a child.

"I understand, I understand." Liu Duo went along with him. She clenched her teeth and put in a great deal of effort to smile.

However, she rolled her eyes in her heart, You are the one who is capable of kissing up to someone! What I am doing right now is to give and take! Humph…

"Okay, good girl." Ye Mo reached out with his hand and touched the top of Liu Duo's head and praised her, "Beloved is much cuter and more likable than before when she was being obedient."

Liu Duo saw he was going on and on so she showed a dry smile and puckered her lips.