He Dared Not Delay

"Mo, go get Doctor Li!"

Ye Liu frowned and gave Ye Mo an instruction. Then, carrying Ye Ling, he ran towards home.

Hei Xiaomeng barked anxiously too when they appeared.

Tears had begun flowing unknowingly down Liu Duo's cheeks the moment Ye Ling fainted.

"Ling, don't scare me. Ling..."

This was the first time in forever that she saw him in such a severe condition. It was practically a far cry from the previous episode!

Aunt Li saw the commotion and got anxious too, but she still tried to console Liu Duo. "Girl, calm down! Ling's a lucky man. Nothing will happen to him."

"Little Duo, don't cry, and don't fret. Ling will be alright, I promise!" Liu swore.

He believed Ling would come through. They did not want to see their wife so sad.

The sky had gradually darkened by then. Ye Mo ran as fast as he could down the familiar path towards the doctor's house.

He dared not delay.