You Are Awesome And I Worship You.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the day again. The sun slowly set behind the mountains.

The villagers in the vegetable and paddy fields also started to go home one after another, ending their day's work.

At this time, Ye Liu and the others were slowly driving the tomato-filled bullock-cart back towards their house. The baskets were filled with brilliantly red tomatoes that looked dazzling and would make people ravenous.

"Fuuu… I've been sewing for the whole afternoon but I've only managed to sew five diapers. But each one is better than the last so I am quite satisfied." Liu Duo lifted her hands over her head and stretched her back.

Ye Ling looked at the five diapers and saw that all of the seams were still uneven. However, he still praised her warm-heartedly. "Duo Er, your needlework is improving more and more. In the future, your sewing will get even better."

"Yeah, I feel the same!"