Because He Wanted Ye Ling To Go Together!

Ye Ling and Liu Ran also woke up very early and they ran into each other at the staircase entrance.

"Good morning, Brother Ling." Liu Ran immediately showed a big smile on his face.

It was only natural he would be really excited, as he would be going to see his parents in town today.

"Morning, what does Ran Er want to eat? Brother Ling will make it for you later." Ye Ling also had a big smile on his face and showed a warm intimacy.

"Anything is fine. I like to eat everything Brother Ling cooks! Haha…"

Upon hearing him, Ye Ling smiled so brightly it was as if his eyes were filled with stars. He patted his head and the two of them went together to the well to wash up…

Smoke came out from the chimneys early in the morning as each family prepared breakfast. Ye Ling and the others were no exception.

"Brother Ling, we will be going to town to see mom and dad. Are you going?" Liu Ran looked at Ye Ling and asked with a smile.