After All, It Would Not Be Easy To Travel Far When Her Children Were Very Young!

On the other side, Liu Duo and Ye Ling were walking on the street while looking all around them. They were in a good mood.

"Ling, have you ever wanted to go check out other places? For example, some other cities or towns?" Liu Duo asked him casually.

She suddenly had this idea in her head this morning. She wanted to go check out other places from this ancient era. She couldn't stay in this one small area for the rest of her life, right?

Although she could still go in the future, once she gave birth soon, she wouldn't have that much time and it would be inconvenient to do so.

After all, it would not be easy to travel far when her children were very young!

She wanted to take advantage of the time now as she still wasn't too far into her pregnancy and her bump hadn't appeared yet. This way, she could go on a vacation before coming back to give birth, and she would be able to kill two birds with one stone.