It's All Up To Chance!

If the four could hear San Danzi's thoughts, they would say, who do you think you are? Have you met everyone?

In the village.

Ye Mo and Li Wazi were taking their bullock-cart to purchase tomatoes from neighboring villages. They chatted along the way.

"Mo, do you think I should hurry up and have a second baby?"

Ever since Li Wazi had found out Liu Duo was pregnant with more than one baby, he was really envious of Ye Mo!

Ye Mo was evidently delighted to hear that.

He might become a father later than Li Wazi, but he would have more children than his friend.

"Little Huzi's not even a year old, what's the rush? Do you think Sister Lian can get pregnant just because you want her to?"

These things were all up to chance!

Smugly, he thought, even if your wife gets pregnant really quickly after this, you still can't catch up with us. We would probably just end in a tie!

Li Wazi understood that too, so he stopped mentioning it. Otherwise, Ye Mo's pride would be inflated even more.