A Little Cheeky

In town.

Liu Duo and the men sat in their rented boat as they observed the water lilies close up and gathered some lotuses.

"Ran Er, be careful. Don't fall into the river."

"Sis, relax. Even if I fall into the water I'm not afraid, because I have you and my two brothers-in-law who'll surely come to my rescue!"

The smile he gave was cute, if not a little cheeky.

On this trip, he revealed his childish innocence, unlike the restrained soul trapped in the Liu household for years.

The neighborhood kids used to make fun of him for having a sister who was a lowly shared wife and four poverty-stricken brothers-in-law.

Back then, he would get fired up and get into fights, but he never considered his sister lowly nor his hardworking brothers-in-law poor and pedantic!

The other three could not decide whether to laugh or get mad at him.

They were glad to have gained the young boy's trust because it proved that they were important figures in his life.