If They Didn't Bring Little Huzi Back Home, Who Would Take Care Of Him?

"It's no matter. It's because I didn't handle this situation properly in the past, that's why it came out again. You don't need to take it to heart. We are brothers and we don't need to apologize to each other." Ye Mo waved his hands, not concerned about it at all.

"Okay, okay. Let's not mention those unimportant people and things," Ye Liu said pretentiously. He didn't want them to keep going on about this incident.

And so, all of them had a tacit understanding and shut their mouths, no longer discussing this incident.

As people say, many hands make work light. They were able to quickly finish peeling all of the lotus seed heads and lunch was also ready.

"Everybody get ready. We are about to eat!" Aunt Li stood by the door and shouted towards them.

When Ye Liu and the others heard her say they were about to eat, they all immediately went to help get the chopsticks, bowls, rice, and food.